Dreaming Of Alaska

I flew into Anchorage at the end of summer; mid-August, with a suitcase of summer clothes. Hailing from sunny Queensland, I couldn’t imagine needing a jacket. Yes, naive, but too late once I’d arrived.

It was instantly apparent I’d freeze, and as I headed toward Eagle River where I’d be staying in a cozy house on Fire Lake, the auburn leaves confirmed that fall was settling in. My friend and guide, who has lived in Alaska for over thirty years, was resplendent in a singlet top and cropped pants. I shivered just looking at her, wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck, and begged for a jacket.

I’ve been watching the Hallmark Channel for years with a secret love for American feel-good movies. You know the type — all-American families spending summer at the lake, bonding over shared traumas and joys. I found myself in a Hallmark movie-set.

Early each morning I woke to the sound of a small seaplane starting its motor and bouncing its way along the surface of the water. I was told it’s not easy for the planes to take off on Fire Lake as the water is so smooth and clear it’s like a mirror, making the lift-off difficult. I could see every shade of green and amber from the trees reflected in the waters, the colors so bright it was hard to tell where the shore ended and the water began. The fog set in once it was late afternoon and wrapped the mountains above in a misty veil. It’s overcast a lot at that time of year, and it rained on and off most days.

My hosts shared the best that local Alaska had to offer, so naturally, freshly caught halibut and salmon were on the menu. I hadn’t tried halibut before but was warned it’s a must in Alaska. The fish was topped with mayonnaise, garlic, and lemon pepper, wrapped in foil, and cooked on the barbeque. It was delicious; subtle and mild, taking on the flavor of its marinade. It reminded me of chicken, but doesn’t everything we haven’t tried before?

I wanted to do what the locals do, so I shopped at Walmart and Fred Meyer, ogling at the range of firearms on display, and the sheer variety of groceries. I couldn’t help but fill my cart each and every time I went to a store, buying into the materialism that we all like to pretend we are immune to. There were so many different flavors in Oreos, Pop-Tarts, and breakfast cereals (some of which looked more like confectionery than breakfast), and I spent hours in each store. Rainy afternoons were spent in a cozy cafe drinking Americanos and chatting with friends in front of a fire.

We did all of the touristy things you’d expect — road trips to Valdez, the Alaska Zoo, visiting the bears at Alaska Wildlife Conservation Centre at Girdwood, a drive to Denali National Park, hot lunches in a Talkeetna brewery, shooting practice at a side-of-the-road gun range, and a night at Princess Lodge in Copper River. Each day grew colder, but we filled every moment with more memories, and I delighted in watching the trees change color day by day. In Australia, the changing seasons are more gradual, so I was astonished by how quickly summer transitioned to fall.

The timing of the trip was perfect as the Alaska State Fair was on in Palmer. We spent a day eating loads of local foods, checking out all the stalls and exhibits, and we even managed to catch the pig racing event. I was constantly overwhelmed by the size and beauty of the snow-capped mountains everywhere we went. One minute I was sipping on a cool juice and eating curly fries, and then I’d catch a glimpse of the majestic mountain backdrop only to be reminded of where I was. I probably looked like a crazy tourist taking photos of gas stations and apartment complexes, but I was actually snapping pictures of the incredible mountains in the background. 

Coming from sunny Queensland, I could not get enough of the snow-capped mountains and glaciers everywhere we went. Queensland is beautiful, and one of my favorite places on earth, but the starkness of Alaska is really special. There is an eeriness to it — I felt unnerved, but nature has a way of doing that to me. Even the plane trip from Vancouver to Anchorage is incredible as we flew over the Canadian Rockies and I gasped as I looked down at the glaciers set high in the mountains. Beauty that is startlingly different from the tropical coastlines and aqua reefs of Queensland that I was accustomed to.

There was just so much to love about Alaska, and I think that staying with locals and seeing the world through their eyes enhanced it. They know the best places to eat, drink, and visit. The vacation went far too quickly and before I knew it; I was on my way back to Australia. Alaska is a place I regularly dream of, and one day I will live there, despite the cold. I keep planning my trip back, making lists of all the wonderful places I didn’t get to see, and all the places I want to revisit. Now to wait until the borders reopen.

A frosty lunch in Talkeetna

Stunning glaciers flying over the Canadian Rockies

Those snow capped mountains!
A fall snapshot at Eagle River

Published by My Average Travels

I'm Annelise; an Australian writer living in the USA, who loves experiencing new places and things. I'm perpetually on a budget, but despite this I manage to find myself in some incredible places. I'm not about glamour or luxury, but about real life, real experiences, and making real memories. Most of my travel experiences have resulted from plan B's. I write about average moments that have brought me great joy in the midst of the every day.

5 thoughts on “Dreaming Of Alaska

    1. If you ever have the chance to visit Alaska, I highly recommend it. I can’t wait to visit the Canadian Rockies and do the train ride. The beauty is overwhelming. I am not as brave as you to ski in the Rockies; I’ll leave that to you!


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